
First post, & hello Blogger, again.

I have not written a blog post in... a very. long. time. My personal blog has grown dusty from the neglect but I thought it could be fun to create a blog to go alongside my SeneGence business... so this will be a mix of lifestyle, beauty... and basically whatever  else I just happen to add to it! Why not start with an introduction I guess? My name is Noelle. I am an independent distributor for SeneGence - don't recognize the name? Have you heard of LipSense? That is the most popular product we sell. However, we sell SO MUCH MORE! We sell eye shadows, foundation, skin care and more. They're long lasting, anti aging products. They are seriously amazing! If you stick around you will be able to find out just how amazing they are. For starters - go join my Facebook group at or follow me on instagram at @SealedWithAKissByNoelle! I have been a distributor since October 2016. Initially, I just signed up for the discount - don
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